Tuesday, July 24, 2012

April 4th, 2012... all I can say is "WOW"

The last time I posted anything was before my birthday.  I guess before Joe told me he wanted to get back together... It doesn't say anything about that...

Note: I wrote this on April 4th of 2011, guess I forgot to publish it, so I am now...

June 20th, 2011

personal truth- the core of what we really believe about ourselves when no one is looking
generate the results in life we believe we deserve

my personal truth- I am not worthy of love. Why?

emotionally bankrupt-depressed, anxious, self hatred, unplug, disconnect, wall, internal emotional melt down

people write on the slate of who we are, who wrote on my slate
Mom- emotionally unavailable
dad- flawed,

heal personal truth- get honest
the only person I have to control to fix me is me
Maybe I am something different than I am

Broken, no self worth,
What do I want my thoughts to be on my death bed

Note: I wrote this on June 20th of 2011, guess I forgot to publish it, so I am now...

6/13/11 Today Was Really Hard

I don't know why, I just couldn't stop crying.  I really want to be past this part.

Note: I wrote this on June 13th of 2011, guess I forgot to publish it, so I am now...